Posted on: 17 October, 2012

Author: cheryl boswell

I don’t pretend to have any answers that haven’t already been published many times over by people way smarter than me. Instead I look at what I do talking about health and fitness products and s... I don’t pretend to have any answers that haven’t already been published many times over by people way smarter than me. Instead I look at what I do talking about health and fitness products and strategies as more a strainer in trying to find the best of what is working, the things that are reliable and boiling them down for easy consumption and understanding. When I recently took to reviewing the P90X2 DVDs, I was hoping to bring to light a program that despite it’s high anticipation, seems still shrouded in darkness. One thing that I do believe about any workout program, not just the P90X2 DVDs, is that you can skip it all together and simply master eating right and you will achieve a modicum of fitness even if all you do is walk a little more. The fact is Diet is everything and the rest is detail when it comes to maintaining good health and ideal weight. With that said, there are certain nutrition strategies that are particular to any given program to help you see the best results. The P90X2 DVDs are no different than a lot of the newer regimens in that they come with a very comprehensive nutrition guide that basically tells you what exactly to eat and when. The P90X2 DVDs even come with special instructions to help people eat gluten free as well. Everything about the program is advanced and cutting edge. Given that, there isn’t a lot that I can add which isn’t covered with extensive thoroughness backed by sound research. Still there are some general principles which I found helped me with P90X2 that might be helpful to keep in mind when doing the program. First, more calories are better. This regimen is for people who are already fit but want to take it to a higher level with a greater emphasis on endurance, agility, balance, and a sound mind. You need to eat a lot of the right things to provide energy and to help you build healthy strength. Second, you can experiment with eating a little more before the workouts because they are less high impact in a lot of ways. My concentration level for some of the difficult balance postures which are the hallmark of P90X2 waned a little if I was undernourished in any way. The exception would probably be the Plyocide program which tends towards higher impact. Even then it’s not cardio in the traditional sense and therefore you have less worry about cramping up. Source: Free Articles from Cheryl Boswell is a writer and researcher on home fitness and health products. You can save time and money by getting FREE in depth news, features, and reviews on home exercise equipment, workout programs, health, and nutrition, including discounts and best prices at